A Place to Grow...
With a Passion to Go!
125 Steeple Road; Johnston SC, 29832
North American Missions
The Shepherd's Hands
The Shepherd's Hands came into being after Mayhew (a former pastor here at Philippi) and Marianne West completed an interim pastorate in West Virginia in 2008. It was while there that they discovered the needs of the people of West Virsginia. In that church was a lady who was providing clothes to the people by operating out of her daughter's old play house. The West's agreed to provide her with some clothes to help the people. It was through several local churches in South Carolina that they received more clothes than she could handle. Searching for other outlets, they began taking clothes to other missions and chruches. As the ministry began to grow, they searched for a place to house the ministry. In God;s timing, He led to the current building in Lashmeet, West Virginia; which is located in the center of their area of ministry.
Mayhew and Marianne West (center) and several
Shepherd's Hands volunteers
West Virginia has some of the poorest counties in the United States, mainly because of high unemployment and the modernization and closing of coal mines. There is no place for the people to find jobs; therefore they are not able to help one another. God has called The Shepherd's Hands ministry to help these people both physically and spiritually. The only means of support for The Shepherd's Hands are the individuals and churches that graciously provide clothes, food, and funds to continue the ministry. You can become a Shepherd's Hand by joining with us in ministry. All gifts to the ministry are tax deductible and appreciated. If you would like to know more, please click on the link below.
The Clothing "Closet" area for folks to select needed clothing items.
Melanie Rosier, a member of Philippi, regularly visits The Shepherd's Hands to give free haircuts to individuals in need.
The food pantry area for folks to select needed food items
Folks lined up to receive clothes, food and other neccessities